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a r t   g a l l e r y

Merch coming soon. Feel free to contact us for artwork use inquiries.

C r o s s i n g   t h e   B r i d g e 

Media:  Camera, Photoshop

Our debut album cover is a photo I took of one of my favorite bike paths along the Tiber in Rome, 2017.  When I was studying architecture in Italy, the river was a place of refuge for me after intense days in studio.  This photo of a modern bridge across the Tiber was taken around the time when I wrote the original demo for Disbelief.

P e r s i s t e n t   D r e a m s

Media:  Camera & Found Imagery, Photoshop

Persistent Dreams is a collage of found imagery and photographs.  The ocean and sky are from the Mediterranean in Italy.  The New York skyline and the dogsled in the foreground are found images.  It all reminds me of a few different important places I spent time in while recording the original demo.

T h e   S l e e p w a l k e r

Media:  Found Imagery, Photoshop

The Sleepwalker is a digital collage of found imagery.  It speaks to the continuity of our dreams and inner personae as we navigate time and different stages of our lives, a thread that ties the album together and continues to develop as I write this blurb three years later.  I was influenced by the concept of generative AI both in subject matter and composition while designing the image manually.

Artwork and descriptions by Reif Larsen, 2023.

© 2024 Living Pictures

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